
Herbert W Armstrong Literature and Rare Items

100s of pages of literature and information for your free download! Further items may be added in due course.

  HWA & Radio Church of God Historical Trail Following the footsteps of Herbert W Armstrong and the early Radio Church of God. A Photo Album is now available
  Herbert W Armstrong Papers Collection Materials which are likely to be part of the Herbert W Armstrong Papers Collection
  Herbert W Armstrong Papers Collection at GCI Orignal HWA letters, manuscripts etc kept at Grace Church International offices. Additional information here
  Can a Sabbath Keeper believe in Evolution? Mr Armstrong's first booklet. Taken from his 1928 series in The Bible Advocate and published by the Church of God (Seventh Day) probably published in 1928 or 1929.
Herbert W Armstrong books, booklets etc His most popular books in PDF plus booklets and other materials and articles of interest
  Early Writings of HWA Collection of articles by Richard Nickels
  Bible Advocate articles Articles by HWA published in the Church of God (seventh day) publication, the Bible Advocate in 1928.
  The Messenger of Truth He was also Associate Editor for The Messenger of Truth (1931).
  The Bulletin of the Churches of God in Oregon 1930s publication
  HWA Audio books His main books and booklets in audio (MP3)
  HWA Sermons and Bible Studies Scores of messages dating back to the 1950s!
The History of the WCG Articles collected and merged into a single document in the late 1980s by C White
  Death and Funeral of HWA Video and audio of the funeral, media articles etc
  Wordwide News Tribute to HWA Published 10 February 1986
  Good News Tribute to HWA May 1986
  Seven Proofs of the True Church Articles collected and merged into a single document in the late 1980s by C White
  Mystery of the Ages HWA's final book published Sept 1986
  Genealogical Information His ancestors and descendants
  Photographs Dozens of photographs dating to his early years
  Don Hunter Recorded HWA's radio programs in the 1930s (station KORE)
  Influence of the Beatles "How the Beatles changed the Culture of the Western World,", WN, 22 Dec 1980
  Homosexual marriages HWA spoke out against homosexual marriages in 1975 - Plain Truth, August 1975
  The 'W' IN Herbert W Armstrong's name This information was sent anonymously to Dr James Philip Arnold in August 2022. In my article on HWA I quoted the research of others:

“Herbert W. Armstrong was named after his mother's brother, Herschel Herbert WRIGHT. I speculate that the "W" in his name stands for WRIGHT...Herbert Wright Armstrong, a common practice to use the mother's maiden name as a middle name for her sons” (p. 55). And Mr. Armstrong once said he did not have a middle name to begin with. But since there was another Herbert Armstrong in Oregon, he added the "W" which he took from the family surname of WRIGHT.” (p. 60)

Gravesite Mountain View Cemetery, Altadena, California. Brochure and map here
  Accusations against HWA Disproven False accusers put to shame